This essay im going to talk about how the values patience and caring are reflected in the story of The lady of shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson .Before i start talking about how that two values are reflected i want to define both of it(patience and caring) so yo can get into context .patience is the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance , misfortune , or pain , without complaint, loss of temper , irritation , or the like. caring is a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry , anxiety or concern. The lady of shalott is a poem (that is divided into four parts), the poem is about a women that lives in the island of shalott and the people calls her the lady of shalott but no one in the surrounding countryside has seen her , they know her only by her beautiful singing ,which carries over the river from her home at the top of a tower, the lady spends all her days singing and weaving , also looking city camelot through her mirror , one day the im...