Before i start firts im going to define two concepts, many people confuses the concept of virtue and the concept of values , but this aren´t the same thing, Values are deep convictions of human beings that determine their way of being and guide their behavior. Values involve our feelings and emotions and a virtue is a behavior showing high moral standards. according to Aristoteles , he said that virtue is a "habit, a way of behaving well or badly with respect to his passions." Or as he says in "Nicomachean Ethics," that human virtue can not be a faculty or a passion but a habit. That it is a habit means that it appears not by nature but as a consequence of learning, and more precisely of practice or repetition. The practice or repetition of an action generates in us a permanent disposition or habit " according to Platon, he said that the virtue is a quiality that it allows the access to the real world, for him that concept is divided by three ideas, g...