Before i start firts im going to define two concepts, many people confuses the concept of virtue and the concept of values , but this aren´t the same thing,Values are deep convictions of human beings that determine their way of being and guide their behavior. Values involve our feelings and emotions and a virtue is a behavior showing high moral standards.
according to Aristoteles ,he said that virtue is a "habit, a way of behaving well or badly with respect to his passions." Or as he says in "Nicomachean Ethics," that human virtue can not be a faculty or a passion but a habit. That it is a habit means that it appears not by nature but as a consequence of learning, and more precisely of practice or repetition. The practice or repetition of an action generates in us a permanent disposition or habit "
according to Platon, he said that the virtue is a quiality that it allows the access to the real world, for him that concept is divided by three ideas, goodness, beuaty and justice.
according to Socrates , he said that the search for the true is difficult if virtue is not cultivated , also says that the virtue is learn rationally and following the moral instinct.
are 5 importants virtues,humility, obedience ,patience,liberality, virtues are important becuase they are the basic qualities necessary for our well being and happiness, also because virtues are the essence of people and that's where his behavior comes from.
as humans evolve we have lost many virtues and forgotten what is really important and let us lead by the material (the main thing money)we also didnt respect the others way of thinking and expression and because of that it have bring a lot consecuences in political , economical and cultural way,as wars that have affect a lot of people for example world war 1 and 2 , also this lack of virtues in people has stagnated many countries and that is why there are many Third World countries.
the must important virtue that may have a person nowdays to make earth a better place to live in is TOLERANCE,Attitude of the person who respects the opinions, ideas or attitudes of other people even if they do not coincide with their own,Tolerance must be balanced with the ability to cope, which is based on courage, courage and personal security. Having the power to tolerate gives you confidence and confidence that you can, you will achieve, you will advance. Tolerance is necessary to coexist, to be and to be,is like a cycle because is of the virtue that provide la coexistence between people , tolerance also provide liberty ,that provides that the human develop in the enviroment fairly and because of that it would be peace.
There are four principles for tolerance:
1. Do not respond to aggressions. When we are insulted, provoked, or accused unjustly, we must respond with silence; this force is, naturally, greater.
2. Stay calm in the face of misfortunes. When we meet people who want to bother us, to collapse or oppress, we must confront them calmly, avoiding any confrontation.
3. Compassion against envy and hatred. Faced with the envy and hatred of others, we should not respond equally, but offer our friendship and show them our peaceful intention, demonstrating, with education, our superiority.
4. Gratitude against defamation. If someone insults you and defames you, do not get angry with who provoked it, but remember the benefits that person gave you in the past and be grateful for that.
if people will use these tolerance guidelines we would live in peace and harmony.
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