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In this essay I'm going to talk about how two values justice and fairness are or aren´t in the story, before i start i want to write what this two values mean , justice is just behaviour or treatment and fairness is impartial and just treatment or behaviour without favouritism or discrimination , this two values are the same thing,
i think that in the story ¨THE MODEST PROPOSAL¨ aren´t this values because the story is about overpopulation  in Ireland that brings a bad economical situation because there where a lot of poor people and Johnathan swift the author(main character) proposed a new strategy to end this economical situation , He proposes that since there are many poor children and parents who have nothing to offer, it is better for the government to buy the children from their parents, feed them and sell them as food to the people who have money.
 i think that Swift have good intentions  because he wants to help but the solution he is giving it's not the right one but he thinks that his idea is he best one because he says that this would bring a lot of benefits like for families mothers would love and care more their kids , i think that if he want to help he would give another option becuase what he proposes is unfair in all aspects because poor people have no choice because the government is not giving another solution for the problem so  i think that there´s no justice because they are violating the most important right of the human being that is the right to life , the right to live, they are taking away to those childrens their moment of dreaming,their goals , their mistakes and no matter if they are 1 year old because at some point they will grow , they are not given to the children any opportunity ,  i think swift is not putting in poor people foot because he is not  thinking what would the mother of those kids feel about it , because he has no child, there´s no justice because swift and people who have money think that they  have the right to decide about the lives of people regardless of whether they have the resources or not and that is not true , there's no balance between poor and rich people and also i think that is inhuman because they are treating poor people like animals , animals in the way that rich people think to eat their meat and they are from the same species. 


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Colombia , Barranquilla, neighborhood

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