In this essay im going to talk about the political , economical and social situation of three countries of south america.
The economy, politics and social are three aspects of the functioning of a state that are closely linked, so that one of them that works badly that would affect the others . .
The economy, politics and social are three aspects of the functioning of a state that are closely linked, so that one of them that works badly that would affect the others . .
- Colombia in a good aspect is a rich country because of his natural resources , the diversity of species and the flora & fauna , but if you start to think this doesn't matter because we have a lot of political, social and economical problems , first i'm going to start with the political situation in colombia , politics in colombia are characterized by the corruption we have and that all starts because in the colombian congress the politicians only think of their own benefits and the money they would gain, they have no sense of belonging to their country so they rob in many ways, one of this are the taxes , and because of that we have a bad economy because they don't used that money for things that really matters so right now colombia is a country with a high percentage of poverty and that affect our social part because colombia is below many countries.
- Venezuela is a country neared colombia that also have political , economical and social problems . Many aspects have brought Venezuela to a bad economy,one of those is that venezuela had come from the War of Independence since 1810 and was submerged in chaos that negatively affected the country's economy, in a politics aspect two ideas of Republic are tried in Venezuela The federal Republic and the liberal one , because of that two ideas that two parties , they bring as a consequence, a long period of destabilization that had a negative effect on Venezuela's economy and because of that the country's control was lost, import prices fell, imports decreased, and customs revenues were affected, which at that time was the base of resources fiscal,but what definitely hurt any aspect of venezuela was the mismanagement of the president Nicolás Maduro.
- Since he assumed the government of Mauricio Macri in December 2015, he was determined to apply an orthodox economic shock program, this was a program to improve and stable the economy of argentina but like all this program also brought consequences like low wages, increased poverty, recession, rise in unemployment, economic concentration, income transfers from the salaried to the corporate sectors, lack of protection of the domestic market, low consumption, benefits for agro-export groups and an initial acceleration of inflation but also it brought consequences for the middle class because it increase the unemployment, but what truly augurs with being lethal to this economic program was the political validation and its social tolerance.
My conclusion is that these three countries need to change the way they have been carrying the things and the problems of their country because in some years it will be worse and it is not fair for us citizens who live in these different countries because we will be the most affected.
517 words.